Website Hosting Packages

This is part of a series of articles that deal with the basics, set-up and different components of a fully-functional and easy-to-manage website. To get a full background on the principles and other important information you need to know before deciding, you may go back to these other articles:

As discussed in the Webhosting Basics, we have partners who provide HHS packages and we will discuss the features of their services here. We have three packages you can choose from.

Package Option 1:

Hybrid Hosting (HHS) for single website
(Recommended for beginners)

We recommend this option if you are just starting with a single website. You may upgrade to Option 2 later if you are not expanding in the immediate future. But if you plan to add websites and other online facilities and features for your business or institution, we suggest that you start with the Option 2 right away. Although no downtime incidents occur during the upgrade, you still need time and other resources during the migration process.

Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.

  • 1 website
  • 30 GB storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth*

* We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.

Package Option 2:

Hybrid Hosting (HHS) for multiple websites
(Recommended for institutions or individuals with existing websites and want to expand or migrate)

If you are planning to switch from your existing host or want to setup a new website in addition to your existing one, or you want to add online features and facilities for you institution, this is your the best option for you. We will assist you with all the needed migration processes.

Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.

  • Unlimited websites*
  • Unlimited sub-domains*
  • Unlimited space
  • Unlimited bandwidth#
  • 500 email accounts+
  • 25 MySQL databases (1 GB each)
Please take note of the following:

* You can host as many HTML-library based websites (main and sub-domains combined). But if you host WordPress sites which require MySQL databases, this package supports up to 25 websites only (main and sub-domains combined). However, we recommend a maximum of 15 WordPress websites hosted on this package.
# We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
+ Email accounts are built-in on the this hosting package. This is can be managed in the backend console. If you choose this package, we will help you with the initial set-up. Email account storage is limited to 500 MB only. If you need higher email storage, you may contact us for other options.

Package Option 3:

Hybrid Hosting (HHS) for unlimited websites
(Recommended for institutions or enterprises with existing multiple websites and expecting to expand their business)

Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.

  • Unlimited websites*
  • Unlimited sub-domains*
  • Unlimited space
  • Unlimited bandwidth#
  • 1000 email accounts+
  • Unlimited MySQL databases (1 GB each)
Please take note of the following:

* You can host as many HTML-library based websites (main and sub-domains combined) as you want on this package. As this package also provides unlimited MySQL databases you can also host unlimited WordPress websites.
# We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
+ Email accounts are built-in on the this hosting package. This is can be managed in the backend console. If you choose this package, we will help you with the initial set-up. Email account storage is limited to 1 GB only. If you need higher email storage, you may contact us for other options.

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