This is Lesson 6 of our Basic English Series.
Parts of Speech 1.3
Nouns Part 3 – Numbers of Nouns
In this lesson, we will learn three more noun rules to keep in mind especially in writing.
Nouns rule number four, and sixth in the English Grammar.
ELGR6: Nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel form the plural by adding s.

Nouns rule number five, and seventh in the English Grammar.
ELGR7: Some nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant form the plural by adding s while others add es. Some form the plural either way.
Examples of nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant that only needs the letter s to form the plural.

Here some are examples of nouns that form their plural by adding either the letter s or es.

Nouns rule number six, and eighth in the English Grammar.
ELGR8a: Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant form the plural by changing letter y with letter i and adding letter s. If the letter y is preceded by a vowel, just add letter s for the plural form.
ELGR8b: For nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel, we form the plural by just adding s as in ELGR4.
Examples for ELGR8a:

Examples for ELGR8b:

We have so far covered three English grammar rules in this lesson. We have seven more for nouns in the next lessons. You may take a break before moving on to lesson 7.
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